Rather Listen?
This year at Street Parking we are kicking off our first official “tour.”
Between April and the middle of September, we are hosting and/or participating in seven major events across the US, and we will pop up at some smaller, member-run meetups along the way.
What is Street Parking In the Wild all about? What’s the deeper meaning of the phrase? What does it mean for you to get out, “in the wild” and why do we think it’s valuable?
Originally the phrase “In the Wild'' came about when Street Parking members — those lone wolves training in their living rooms and garages — would see another member sporting some sort of SP apparel, maybe at Costco or in Disneyland. They would describe this feeling of instant connection, regardless of how awkward the encounter may have been. We’ve heard countless stories of members yelling at each other at a red light or across a mall. Sometimes folks didn’t even see an actual person, but they spotted a sticker on a car window and then left a note.
This “recognizing” of another member from our little community has become something that other members hope for every time they go for a Target run or head to the airport. We’ve even seen members who are pilots post about watching out for travelers in SP gear.
Here’s why: since most members train at home, it could be easy to feel like we are “alone.” Being able to actually see another REAL human being IN THE WILD erases that “lone wolf” feeling, and truthfully it helps many of us keep going.
In the past Street Parking has put on some pretty epic meetups: from the first one in Orange County, CA, to the INFAMOUS Street Parking Summer Camp. There was the workout that would never end in Vegas, and the dream that was Fitness Freedom at Dave Castro’s Ranch.
All of these meetups were designed and executed with the goal of getting as many of the Street Parking members to meet us (the SP Team) and to meet each other face to face. To become friends IRL (in real life), as they say.
The stories that we hear from members who come out to these events always amaze and inspire us. Members who are incredibly shy and never thought that they would travel alone show up to an event and have the best time with 300-400 strangers. Groups of moms take a weekend to hang with each other, even though they have only met online. Families with 2, 3, 5+ kids roll up to a meetup and find there is something for everyone. We have even seen our fair share of couples origin stories from these get-togethers.
But, we weren’t the only ones making these connections happen. Starting very early on in the Street Parking story, members have been hosting their OWN local meetups and posting an invitation to anyone who is in the area through the SP Members Facebook group. During the spring and summer months there are upwards of five or more member meetups happening around the world on any given weekend, all organized and run completely by Street Parking members.
We have personally witnessed REAL friendships that started on social media become even stronger by attending these official or unofficial meetups. There are local groups, like the group in Ohio or Hawaii, who will have 30 or more show up to a local park.
Members bring their own dumbbells, a bottle of water, even their kids, and they hit a Vault workout or a Saturday team workout with other local SP Members. Members have registered to do a local 5K together, go to theme parks… there may have even been an axe-throwing meetup at one point.
We love this. And although we always lead with the disclaimer that these aren’t “official meetups” [in the off chance that someone is just encouraging you to show up so they can sell you their favorite essential oils or hair care products], the stories coming from these member-led meetups have been just as powerful as the large events Street Parking runs ourselves.
But “In the Wild” is not just about seeing someone at the gas station, attending OUR official SP meetups, or getting together to do Street Parking workouts with friends.
The purpose of the training and lifestyle habits that we at Street Parking encourage you to practice is so that you can go out and participate in all this world has to offer, even at a moment’s notice.
This year we got involved with brands like Spartan Race, GORUCK, Tough Mudder, and CrossFit and are including these events in the official In The Wild Tour to send the message that your fitness should be used as a way to improve and enhance ALL areas of your life.
The fitness industry places too much emphasis on doing fitness just for the sake of fitness. Often the message is that you should train to achieve a certain aesthetic, or worse, as a form of punishment or something you HAVE to do.
Your fitness should give you the confidence that you can run that race, hike to that waterfall, learn how to waterski, or carry the kids around the theme park — and have FUN doing it.
If your current plan is NOT doing that, or if your current mindset has you stuck in a loop of believing that fitness is only to fit in a certain pair of jeans and is subtracting joy from your life, then great news! The messaging of “In the Wild” is for you.
When was the last time you participated in a recreational event in your area?
When you travel, do you seek out the most epic adventures available at the place you’re visiting?
Have you allowed yourself to feel that you are too old or are not fit enough to do these sorts of things?
We encourage you to take a leap of faith this summer and change that. Life is too short and this world is too incredible to miss out on experiencing as much of it as possible.
Whether that means you come to an official SP event, run your OWN local SP meetup, find a local meetup to participate in, or just go out and find an adventure of your own… our challenge to you for the next seven months (and for forever, really) is to get out there and do it!
We can’t wait to see you all “In the Wild.”