People often underestimate just how much you can do with a single pair of dumbbells. At Street Parking, all of our workouts can be done with just that. Of course it’s fun to play with all of the fancy toys - but the versatility of a single pair of dumbbells is hard to surpass as a training tool. In fact, many of our members have been with us for over three years, and that is all they ever use!
Whether you don’t have access to anything else right now, you’re working out in a hotel or apartment gym, or you just want to experience a different adaptation than the barbell - dumbbells are a great addition or standalone for any general fitness program.
We also believe they are the BEST tool for beginners or anyone transitioning to a program that wasn’t using any weight at all!
We’ve put together 7 fun and effective dumbbell only workouts for you to test the waters!
Remember, when attempting these workouts, take a look at the goal. Choose your weight and use the modification and substitution suggestions to allow you to achieve it or at least get close.
The weight suggestions we have provided are just a general guide. We’d much rather you lower the weight and hit the goal for the workout, than try something that is too heavy and compromises good technique.
Wondering how to warm up for these workouts? Try one of these simple dumbbell warm ups:
3 Rounds
Each Round is a 3 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 3 Min)
12 Dumbbell Deadlifts
8 Push Up + Renegade Row
Rest 1 Min After Each 3 Min AMRAP
Suggested weights:
Men: 30-50# Dumbbells
Women: 15-35# Dumbbells
Score: Total Number of Completed Rounds + any Additional Reps from all 3 AMRAPS COMBINED.
Goal: 9 Rounds + (Thats 3 Rounds or More per AMRAP)
The way this will flow is this: The clock starts and you complete the 12 DB Deadlifts and 8 Push Up + Renegade Rows as many times as possible in 3 Min. When the clock hits 3 min you will rest 1 min - then repeat that whole cycle 2 more times.
For the deadlifts make sure that the dumbbells start next to the feet with the heels down, knees bent, belly tight, and chest up. Lift the chest and press the ground away. Squeeze the butt at the top to stand completely. Reach butt back and keep belly tight as you lower under control.
The push up + renegade row = 1 push up + row right + row left. Keep the belly tight and don’t allow sagging or snaking in the push up. As you row, try to avoid too much of a rotation. Pull the elbow back and bring the dumbbell to the rib cage. Lower under control.
How to modify if needed:
- Use only one dumbbell, held in both hands between the feet for the deadlifts.
- Do the Push Up + Renegade Row from the Knees.
- Modify the Push Up + Renegade Row to a Push Up + Shoulder Tap + Shoulder Tap
3 Rounds
30 Farmer Lunges
30 Push Ups
30 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows
Suggested weights:
Men: 30-50# Dumbbells
Women: 15-35# Dumbbells
Extra Challenge: If you finish 3 rounds under 10 min - go for a 4th round!
Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 15 Min
You're shooting for sub 5 minute rounds here. Get comfy with the burn on the lunges and modify the push ups and rows to something you could do at least 12-15 reps of when you are fresh. You'll probably break them up more than that later on!
You may perform forward stepping, reverse stepping, or even walking lunges. Alternate legs with each lunge. Dumbbells will be held at the sides. Keep the chest lifted and belly tight. Take a long enough step each time so that the front heel stays down as the back knee lightly touches. So for each set of 30 - you will do 15 per leg.
For the push up we want to see a rigid body position with shoulders above or beyond the wrists and hands - slightly wider than shoulder width. Squeeze your butt, your thighs and your belly. No sagging hips or snaking.
To maintain these good positions throughout, you may need to switch to a knee push up, or an elevated push up.
Keep the hip angle fixed on the bent over rows. You may allow a slight knee bend. Keep the chest lifted and belly tight. With each rep, pull the elbows back and bring the dumbbells to the rib cage. Lower under control.
5 Rounds
Run 200 Meters
12 Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerks
Suggested weights:
Men: 30-50# Dumbbells
Women: 15-35# Dumbbells
Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 13 Min
The run should take 45 seconds to about 1:15. If you are unable to run for space or weather reasons you may sub 1 min of single/double unders, dumbbell skip overs, taps, or even low step ups!
For the dumbbell power clean and jerks, focus on pulling from the ground with the heels down, knees bent and back flat! Think hips, shrug, pull under! Finish the clean portion with the dumbbells on top of the shoulders and the elbows in front. Then for the jerk use the drive of your legs to help pop those dumbbells off of the shoulders. Finish with the elbows locked, biceps by the ears, and belly tight.
Don’t get sloppy lowering the weight back to the ground! Keep the heels down, belly tight, and chest lifted. If you have trouble with the bottom position - you may choose to perform this movement from the “hang” or starting each rep at the waist instead of the floor.
100 Dumbbell Thrusters
Every Minute You Perform Burpees (Adding 1 MORE Burpee Each Round)
When The Clock Hits 1:00 - You Do 1 Burpee - Then Get Back to The Thrusters
When The Clock Hits 2:00 - You Do 2 Burpees - Back to Thrusters
3:00? - Yep - 3 Burpees - and Back to Thrusters
Keep Adding Until You Have Completed All 100 Thrusters
**You do not need to perform any burpees the first minute.
Men: 30-50# Dumbbells
Women: 15-35# Dumbbells
Score: Time At The Completion Of Your 100th Thruster
Goal: Finish Before You Can No Longer Keep Up Because You Are Doing Too Many Burpees.
**If you get to the point where you can no longer do any thrusters due to the burpees - your time is up!
Choose Your Weight WISELY!
The goal here is to finish! So pick a weight that you are certain you can do at least 15 reps in the first minute - or you will definitely be in trouble! You may even choose to go down to a single dumbbell thruster if necessary.
For the thrusters the dumbbells will start on the shoulders with elbows in front. Feet are under the shoulders with the heels down. Reach the butt back and down, keep the heels down, drive the knees out, and keep the chest lifted. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. Stand up hard and fast. Pop the dumbbells off of the shoulders. And finish with the dumbbells locked out overhead with the biceps by the ears!
Burpees may be:
Regular burpees
Knee push up burpees
Step in and out burpees
No push up burpees
Elevated Burpees
5 Rounds
5 Devil Press
10 Dumbbell Snatch (Alternating)
15 Dumbbell Hop Overs
Rest 3 Min
5 Rounds
5 Devil Press
10 Dumbbell Snatch (Alternating)
15 Dumbbell Hop Overs
Men: 30-50# Dumbbells
Women: 15-35# Dumbbells
Goal: Get Both Sets Of 5 Rounds Under 5-10 Min (Each)
These rounds will go fast and you get a nice break in the middle. So push HARD in both sections!!
A Devil Press is basically a burpee with dumbbells in your hands. You will perform a push up with the hands on the dumbbells. Jump or step your feet in. Pick the dumbbells up from between the feet with the heels down and arms straight (keep your chest lifted and back flat!). Use the power from the legs and hips as you stand up hard and fast. Shrug the shoulders and guide the dumbbells to a locked out position overhead with the biceps by the ears.
For the single dumbbell power snatch the dumbbell will start on the ground between the feet. Grab with one hand with the knees bent and heels down. Stand up hard and fast - then shrug. Use that power from the lower body and the shrug to make the dumbbell feel weightless. Guide the bell up to lock out - finishing with the bicep by the ear. Alternate hands with each rep (for a total of 5 per side per round).
For the dumbbell hop overs you will stand next to your dumbbell and hop laterally over the narrow side with both feet. Each jump counts as one rep. If you are unable to - or not ready to jump and land from both feet - you may modify to a skip over.
10 Rounds
7 Dumbbell Goblet Squats
7 Sit Ups
Idea Weight For Men: Single 30-50# KB/DB
Idea Weight For Women: Single 12-30# KB/DB
Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 12 Min
For An Added Challenge You Can Increase The Reps To 10 Goblet Squats And 10 Sit Ups And/Or Change It To A 12 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 Min)
For the goblet squat you will hold the weight at the chest with the elbows tucked in. The feet are shoulder width apart with the heels down. Lift the chest and tighten the belly. Reach the butt back and down, drive the knees out, and keep the chest lifted! Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. Drive through the heels and lift the chest to stand at the top.
For the sit ups you can do whatever you like with your feet, but we would love to see you come all of the way up at the top and touch your toes. If you need to you can use a band or a towel as assistance to achieve the full range of motion.
30 Rounds
3 Burpees
1 Lungester
Men: 30-50# Dumbbells
Women: 15-35# Dumbbells
Extra Challenge: 4 Burpees + 2 Lungesters / per round
Score: Total Time
Goal: Under 25 Min
It is 30 - Yes. THREE ZERO ROUNDS. Make sure if you are new to this type of training - you give yourself about 20 min to get as far as you can and then call it for the day.
Each rep for the Lungester starts with the dumbbells at the shoulders. You will perform a right lunge + left lunge + thruster. ALL of that = 1 rep. Make sure that you keep your belly tight throughout - but BREATHE!! We prefer a reverse lunge - but you may do them forward stepping if you like. For each rep make sure you take a long enough step that your front heel stays down as your back knee touches.
Once you have completed both lunges you will perform a thruster. Widen the feet to shoulder width with the heels down. Reach the butt back and down, keep the heels down, drive the knees out, and keep the chest lifted. Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom. Stand up hard and fast. Pop the dumbbells off of the shoulders. And finish with the dumbbells locked out overhead with the biceps by the ears! If you need to you can hold a single dumbbell for this movement - or even do it completely unweighted!
Do a test round or two in your warm up to make sure the load you choose will allow you to consistently complete each round in about 45 seconds or less.
Burpees may be:
Regular burpees
Knee push up burpees
Step in and out burpees
No push up burpees
Elevated Burpees